Affresco high twist suits

Fresco is made of multiple yarn, high twisted wool and has a plain weave. The high twist allows for an open weave, which makes the fabric very airy   in the sense that you can feel any breeze. Due to its high twist, this makes for a very dense and durable fabric, very good for travelling and wrinkle resistance. The fresco fabric    in lightweight quality   can be almost see-through, especially   if you look at the fabric    against the light.

I ask tailor to use unstructed   Italian Workmanship  to make it looks more valuable. Unstructed Italian jacket has very little shoulder pad, I personally like no roping on shoulder which has a more natural look. And then I made 1/2 Lined design which makes the jacket lighter too. Regarding the outer design, as  this is plain color,I want it to look special then I choose a wide     Inner Curve Notched lapel by accentuating the upper part of my body. In comparison, the waist will look slimmer. Also Handmade shoulder contour more the body shape,It gives a more comfortable feeling while wearing. that all!